

  • 主演:KunKittikunTansuhas瓦迪功·朋苏比海伦
  • 类型:同性剧情
  • 导演:ChoiSittichaiChutsiri
  • 地区:泰国
  • 年份:2022
  • 时长:45分钟
  • 时间:2023-12-29 17:50:36

不曾忘记的承诺是一部的泰国电视剧属同性,剧情,导演系Choi Sittichai Chutsiri。电视剧开头普帕和南法从小就是最好的朋友,这使他们有着难以置信的亲密友谊。他们互相承诺永远不离开对方,但无论如何,普帕还是禁不住害怕失去南法。当超越友谊的感情成为障碍时,这样的承诺能不被打破吗? Phupha and Nanfah have been best friends since childhood, leading them to have an incredibly close friendship. They made a promise to each other to never leave the other, but Phupha can't help but fear losing Nanfah anyway. Can such a promise not be broken when feelings of more than friendship get in the way?